The 2021 financial year was dominated by significant restrictions to operations from the long winter lockdown which lasted for most of H1.

The main UK activities during this time were focused on securing funding from business partnerships via Sun Screen IT Ltd, to build a steady stream of donation funding for the charity, targeted to commence within 2022, on the projection that business and life might return to some form of normality by mid 2022.

Donations and support were heavily restricted during this financial year, but a donation of grant funding was made to the existing project in Sierra Leone, to provide both food, resources, and fuel to support the children’s home during their own lockdowns.

This grant made to the Lifeline Nehemiah project, enabled the IT lab to stay operational, whilst also providing shelter and food for the young people in the care of the school. It was deemed appropriate to offer this grant, as the school had little to no provision to make up for lost revenue due to the suspension of fees being paid as pupils were not allowed to attend school during their own lockdowns in Freetown, Sierra Leone.